Agriculture: A Beacon of Hope for a Sustainable Tomorrow

By |2024-09-03T16:42:29-04:00September 3rd, 2024|Categories: FFA in the USA|Tags: , , |
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Joseph Delaney's interest in environmental sustainability was ignited as a student in the environmental science and natural resources pathway at Odessa High School. In the photo above, he is deploying a method of algae control, which he learned about during his course studies.

Joseph Delaney’s interest in environmental sustainability was ignited as a student in the environmental science and natural resources pathway at Odessa High School. In the photo above, he deploys a method of algae control, which he learned about during his course studies.

From advancements in farm equipment to the integration of best management practices, sustainable farming methods and innovative technologies have swept the world of agriculture since its adoption now than more ever before. The Delaney family is a clear representation of this remarkable shift.

Starting in the early 20th century, Joseph Delaney’s family owned and managed a dairy cattle and Christmas tree operation. The family provides local goods to numerous community members in Newark, Del., leaving a lasting impact on their roles as agriculturists. As they positively impacted people in their community, their land saw dramatic changes.

“Their practices were harming the land, but it was the best they knew in their time,” Delaney says. “In the modern day, we know these practices left some unintended negative impacts.” 

The impacts of their practices were most apparent within a half-acre pond located on their property. Delaney spent his childhood around this pond and grew to admire it. As he got older, he quickly recognized a drastic decline in the water quality and decided it was time for someone to take action. 

As a member of the Odessa FFA Chapter, Delaney developed a greater understanding of ecology topics, the importance of taking care of the environment and best management practices. After receiving a National FFA SAE Grant sponsored by the Invenergy, he was able to combine his want to take responsibility and his knowledge to create the change he wanted to see within this pond.

“Correcting mistakes of the past is the first step to finding a sustainable future for agriculture,” Delaney says. “I believe modern technology agriculture is a beacon of hope for a sustainable tomorrow, but we must be willing to take on the challenges of finding a better way.”

After being awarded a $1,000 SAE grant, Delaney was able to fulfill his statement and make a change within his local environment.

After being awarded a $1,000 SAE Grant, Delaney was able to fulfill his statement and make a change within his local environment.

With time, Delaney has started to work on increasing the pond’s biodiversity by introducing new aquatic plant species. He has also continuously treated the organic matter, including algae, and worked on keeping the movement of the water steady by both re-digging drainage streams and pruning nearby trees to increase wind flow.

“I have put in a lot of effort to increase the health of this pond, but my work is far from over,” Delaney says. “Increasing this pond’s health will be a tedious process, but it’ll be well worth the effort.” 

Due to the help of a National FFA SAE Grant, this Delaware FFA member was able to reshape what this pond’s future looks like for the better, all while leaving a lasting impact on his home and community.

About the Author:

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My name is Kalena Diaz, I am a member of the Odessa FFA Chapter located in Towsend, Delaware. Involvement in the FFA has allowed me to grow, as a person and an agriculturalist, allowing me to expand my knowledge and experience in numerous areas including parliamentary procedure, environmental sciences, and production agriculture. I am currently serving as the Odessa FFA Chapter President and have previously served as our Chapter Sentinel and Reporter. The experiences I have gained throughout my years of service have ignited my passion to serve others. Solidifying my career interests in the fields of Agricultural Communications and Agricultural Education. The FFA has given me numerous opportunities to explore these interests including most recently participation in the FFA in the USA Program. As I now enter my Senior year of high school, I am beyond excited to see what the future holds and am eager to serve.

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