Emily Grant shares her experiences and involvement in agriculture with the film crew for The Cowboy Channel. Photo courtesy of Emily Grant.
The Whole Farmer
Emily Grant (pictured above), an Eastern Hancock FFA Alumna, past Indiana FFA district president and national agricultural communications proficiency finalist, is raising awareness for the mental, physical and social well-being of farmers. She created an Instagram account and Facebook page called “The Whole Farmer” after attending the Washington Leadership Conference. Now a freshman at Purdue University studying agricultural communications and animal sciences, Grant plans to work with the Purdue Extension Farm Stress team in the future and continue her involvement with Grit and Grace Nation.
Tune in each week as Continuum Ag Founder and CEO Mitchell Hora and his team members dig into a range of topics such as carbon intensity, soil health, precision agriculture and more.
Host Matt Brechwald interviews agriculturists, including FFA members and alumni, who’ve paved paths in entrepreneurship and covers additional topics and issues like rural crime.
In this podcast, Tim Hammerich interviews farmers, founders, innovators and company leaders who provide a glimpse of the latest news related to topics like agriculture technology, sustainability and the future of food.
This weekly series produced by Successful Farming includes quick conversations with farmers located nationwide who share their background and involvement in agriculture as well as nuggets of wisdom, life lessons and industry success stories.
Each week, host Jessie Jarvis shares her personal experiences as well as stories and testimonials from innovators and changemakers in agriculture.
Pride in Agriculture
Founded by Ryan Goodman, an advocate, cattle rancher and agricultural communicator, this platform aims to elevate the voices and experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals who are involved in agriculture. Goodman also shares resources for those looking to serve as allies. You can follow Pride in Agriculture on Instagram and Facebook.