In its first year, the New Mexico FFA Spanish Creed Speaking Contest was a hit, with participants saying they are thankful for an event that allows them to use their native language.
Reciting the FFA Creed can be a powerful and emotional experience for FFA members. It outlines the organization’s belief in agriculture and core values of citizenship and patriotism.
Hagerman FFA advisor Codi Montes-Dennis from New Mexico wanted to make the FFA Creed Speaking Leadership Development Event (LDE) more inclusive for Spanish-speaking students.
“Our state serves a large number of Hispanic students, and the town where our FFA chapter is located is rural and thrives on Spanish-speaking labor,” Montes-Dennis says. “I noticed a lot of our Hispanic kids weren’t taking full advantage of being in FFA. They love agriculture, but they don’t always see a place for them in the organization because they don’t always see other kids like them.”
In 2021, Montes-Dennis organized the first New Mexico FFA Spanish Creed Speaking Contest. The response was enthusiastic.
“With the strong support from New Mexico FFA and our district staff, our FFA chapter purchased a belt buckle for the grand champion, bought banners, and hosted the event at Hagerman High School,” Montes-Dennis says. “We had a phenomenal response, and I’d love to see it grow.”
Ten FFA members signed up for the contest, but due to COVID-19 restrictions, only five were able to compete the day of the event. Nevertheless, it was a success.
“One judge was brought to tears. She said hearing the FFA Creed in her native language just hit different,” Montes-Dennis says. “The judges were very encouraging. One of my former students who was a state officer said the Creed makes her think of her dad, how hard he worked for their family after migrating to the U.S. Hearing it in her native language meant so much.”
The event was modeled after the inclusive and popular Texas FFA Spanish Creed Speaking Contest, which began in 2009. The first contest in Texas had only 10 participants, but it has grown to more than 60 members competing each summer.
“We love accommodating our Spanish-speaking population since about one-third of our members are Hispanic,” says Paulette Aguilar, organizer of the Texas FFA Spanish Creed Speaking Contest.
The Texas contest is an invitational event held every July during state convention. No more than two members from each high school can compete.
“Our Spanish-speaking members are thankful for a contest through which they can use their native language to talk about how much they love agriculture and FFA,” Aguilar says. “One participant told me how important it was to have his parents see him do this contest because they are not English speakers. It gave his family insight into FFA and what he does. The parents of a lot of our Spanish speakers work in agriculture, and this contest helps them understand FFA and also cross that language bridge.”
Learn more about the FFA Creed Speaking event at FFA.org/Participate/LDEs/Creed-Speaking.