Focused on the Future of Farm Safety

By |2024-09-06T07:46:22-04:00September 6th, 2024|Categories: Chapter Focus, FFA New Horizons, The Feed|Tags: , , , , |

To have a chance at winning the annual Samsung Solve for Tomorrow national STEM competition, Wilton FFA members knew they’d have to create something truly innovative – and they did just that.

The Iowa chapter looked to its own backyard and developed something that could not only improve lives but also save them.

“In this competition, students are tasked with identifying a real-world problem, creating a unique solution and presenting it in a way that compels others to get behind it,” says Olivia Sippy, agriculture instructor at Wilton Jr./Sr. High School and Wilton FFA advisor. “Our students saw a gap in the agriculture industry and decided to fill it.”

Read on to learn about how Wilton FFA members put their creativity to the test.

A Storied History
Identifying a Need

After speaking to her father and other grain farmers in her community, Wilton FFA Treasurer Madelyn Thede realized farmers needed a way to determine grain levels inside bins from the outside.

“Grain farmers put themselves at risk of injury — or even death — every time they climb the ladder to look into their bin,” Thede says. “Plus, it’s time-consuming. If [these farmers] could know how full the bins are without having to climb, they’d be safer and more efficient.”

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