Yorkville Christian FFA members enjoy their private, on-farm concert from Hailey Whitters, a part of their prize as winners of the Rock the Crop sweepstakes by Firestone Ag. Photo courtesy of Firestone Ag.
To celebrate Firestone Ag’s 80-year corporate partnership with National FFA, Yorkville Christian FFA was randomly chosen as the 2024 Rock the Crop Sweepstakes winner. As a result, the 50-member chapter won a private concert with country music artist Hailey Whitters (and 150 of their closest friends) that was held at Spirit Farms in Sheridan, Ill.
“Our advisor, Michelle Stewart, passed along the contest entry last spring, and we found out we won mid-summer. That’s when we got to work,” says Yorkville Christian FFA President Grace Voitik. “[Stewart] was gracious enough to lend us her farm, which was the perfect place for the event. Being a small school and chapter meant we also invited our families, which was an added bonus.”

Yorkville Christian FFA members gather in preparation for their concert. Photo courtesy of Firestone Ag.
In addition to the concert, a Firestone Ag field engineer taught FFA members and community members about tire types, tire construction, choosing the right tire for the job and proper tractor setup to avoid overloading tires.
“We learned about soil compaction and how the tire design helps distribute the weight of the machine,” says Yorkville Christian FFA farm manager Andrew Henschen. “We also learned about setting the right tire pressure and how tires function.”
For Yorkville Christian FFA Secretary/Treasurer Ruby Moe, this event was a great way to kick off the fall semester.
“We could meet new members and connect with others in the chapter,” she says. “It was special to have Hailey Whitters share that she came from a farm, to see how far she’s come and realize how much we can do, too, if we work hard.”

Yorkville Christian FFA President Grace Voitik (right) takes a break from organizing the Rock the Crop concert and Tire 101 educational session for a quick photo with Hailey Whitters (left). Photo courtesy of Firestone Ag.
According to Gloria Caples, brand and marketing strategy manager for Firestone Ag, the Rock the Crop Sweepstakes is designed to celebrate her company’s commitment to FFA that began with Harvey Firestone Jr.
“By marking this [80-year] milestone with the concert and sharing information about farm tires with these members, we carry on his vision,” Caples adds. “Firestone Ag is dedicated to supporting FFA at the national and local levels long into the future.”
Partnership of the Past, Present and Future
Firestone Ag chaired the first FFA Foundation Board in 1944, and its longstanding partnership with FFA has continued for more than 75 years. Learn more about how Firestone Ag is investing in the future of agriculture and FFA.