5 Questions With FFA Alumna Hannah Everetts

By |2021-07-14T16:19:48-04:00June 1st, 2021|Categories: The Feed|Tags: , |

At FFA, we believe that what we grow changes how the world grows.

The Forever Blue Network is about reconnecting with those who made a difference in your life, reaching out to those you can impact now and finding a new world of opportunities. As a result, we are launching a new series called Five Questions to explore the lives of Forever Blue Network members.

Among other things, we’ll find out:

  • Who they are.
  • Where they are now.
  • What do they do.
  • How they do it.

This month’s Five Questions features Hannah Everetts of Edon, Ohio. Hannah is a former FFA member, past National FFA Officer and is currently an agriculture educator and FFA advisor at Edon Northwest High School. Hannah also serves as a National Teacher Ambassador for FFA.

Q1:  What do you find the most rewarding part about being in a position to teach ag (or to be an advisor)?

Hannah:  The most rewarding part of teaching ag and being an advisor is building relationships with students and watching them grow as individuals. While not every student comes to my class with the desire to learn a lot about agriculture, they stay because of the opportunities in my program, and I get to watch them grow into young adults through those experiences.


Q2: What was your supervised agricultural experience (SAE) or project in FFA?

Hannah:  My SAE throughout my high school career included raising market lambs and market hogs, as well as working at a poultry processing facility.


Q3: If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Hannah:  If I could have one superpower, I would want to be able to teleport myself. I always feel like I need to be in two places at once, so it would help solve that problem!


Q4: If you could learn a new skill in an instant, what would it be?

Hannah:  If I could learn a new skill in an instant, it would be how to play the guitar. I’m so envious of anyone who can play the guitar, and I would love to be able to do that.


Q5: What was your favorite part about being in FFA?

Hannah:  My favorite part of being in FFA was that it was a place where I felt like I belonged, and it made me feel like I was actually good at something. It was a place where I genuinely found my passion and was able to excel. I also really felt like my FFA chapter was my family, and I try to develop the same kind of environment in my chapter now.


If you would like to be considered for an upcoming Five Questions, email Joanne Sergi,  jsergi@ffa.org, with your request.



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