Grady FFA Kicks Off FFA Week With Fun, Food and Celebration
This New Mexico chapter is bringing its school together with a week of spirit days, activities and an appreciation breakfast.
This New Mexico chapter is bringing its school together with a week of spirit days, activities and an appreciation breakfast.
Portales FFA empowers the community by hosting a Special Needs Day at the Roosevelt County Fair, featuring hands-on activities, demonstrations, and a special goat show for individuals with special needs.
In New Mexico, this chapter collected 745 cans for the Ministry of Hope Center and inspired generosity among students.
Dora FFA in New Mexico boosts community involvement and support with its Bingo Bash.
The Wilbur-Ellis Auction is a joint effort between the Texico FFA Chapter in New Mexico and the Farwell FFA Chapter in Texas. This year marks the 28th auction.
Discover why these four American Star Award finalists boast the nation's top agricultural placement Supervised Agricultural Experiences.
Trippton Angell, a Tatum FFA member from New Mexico, provides insight on how to start a cattle operation through hard work.
New Mexico FFA member Isaac Corral’s interests in agriculture sparked after receiving two goats for his sixth birthday.
An agritourism operation full of fall-season attraction helps this New Mexico FFA member share his passion for agriculture.
Dr. Shannon Norris developed a curricular framework to teach the U.S. Special Forces about agriculture.