FFA Reunion Brings Back People and Memories
Alumni and current members bonded over memorabilia, sparking conversations about their chapter’s rich history.
Alumni and current members bonded over memorabilia, sparking conversations about their chapter’s rich history.
With a $300 budget, members shop for personalized gifts, wrap them with care and ensure families receive them in time for Christmas.
Rocori FFA restores historical park for their community.
In Minnesota, the Blooming Prairie FFA Chapter’s Farm Safety Day is ensuring students know how to handle equipment and livestock.
Abby Smith, a freshman from the Glencoe Silver-Lake FFA Chapter in Minnesota, has an interest in custom-engraved designs and sales.
For Bethlehem Academy FFA Member Alexander Timm, his forestry SAE is more than a business — it’s a conservation effort, too.
In Minnesota, students in the Midwest Meats class are deepening their understanding of animal and food science through hands-on learning.
These four American Star Farmer finalists are breaking new ground in production agriculture.
Terry retires after 51 years of teaching agriculture and 45 years serving as the Randolph FFA advisor.
The Paynesville FFA Chapter in Minnesota enjoys a robust agricultural education experience thanks to its active and generous alumni and supporters.