Raising the Steaks: Gabby Howell Finds Passion in Progeny
Florida FFA President has learned the ropes of managing an agriculture business through her SAE project.
Florida FFA President has learned the ropes of managing an agriculture business through her SAE project.
The Deltona Sr. FFA offers a school-wide leadership conference that ensures personal growth and builds leaders across the school and community.
Advocating paid off! The Marianna FFA Chapter is thrilled to have a new home for show animals and a learning place outside of the classroom.
Ocoee High School FFA took to the stands at Ocoee City Hall to urge its community to help with a disruptive development.
This Deltona Sr. FFA member and chapter officer from Florida shares her daily routine and experiences caring for sheep on her school’s farm.
Floral designer Conner Matthews has honed his skills through working with his mother to tailor wedding florals to diverse client preferences.
Charlotte Sr. FFA Chapter saw a need and opened a chapter-run feed and supply store on the campus land lab.
Peyton Gay is the caretaker of threatened geese species. His goal is to help protect them, and his gaggle keeps growing.
In Florida, Horizon FFA Chapter President Madison Strain launched her beekeeping business, Horizon Honey, in 2022.
The national officer team begins their adventures on the road, telling the unique stories of FFA members along the way.