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Search Results2018-08-08T10:00:11-04:00
Found 3187 Results | Page 258 of 319

AHS.33 Aligning Activities to Mission and Vision in Groups
Lifeknowledge: Advanced High School 

LifeKnowledge: Chapter Leadership Activities
Lifeknowledge: Activties to complete with you chapter leadership. 

LifeKnowledge: e-Moments
Lifeknowledge:e-Moments are a list of strategies that capitalize on how students learn best. "e" for engaging - these are moments when students become engaged, get connected, and make personal meaning of the content they are learning. The strategies are based in what educators know about how students learn differently. You'll see e-Moments throughout the LifeKnowledge lessons. Feel free to substitute as you know your students best. 

LifeKnowledge: Perspectives-Leadership Activities and Writing Prompts
LifeKnowledge: Perspectives-activities and writing prompts to promote powerful discussions. 

LifeKnowledge: Substitute Teacher's Guide
Lifeknowledge: The Substitute Teacher's Guide to the Agricultural Education Classroom will walk you through a quick and easy way to prepare for your substitute teacher and provide you will excellent substitute plans that can integrate into any agricultural science curriculum. 

LifeKnowledge: Advanced High School Lessons
Lifeknowledge lessons developed for upper high school students. 

LifeKnowledge: High School Lessons
Lifeknowledge lessons developed for high school students. 

LifeKnowlege: Middle School Lessons
Lifeknowledge lessons developed for middle school students. 

AHS.1 Defining Personal Vision
Lifeknowledge: Advanced High School 

AHS.2 Creating a Personal Vision
Lifeknowledge: Advanced High School 

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