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Search Results2018-08-08T10:00:11-04:00
Found 3127 Results | Page 172 of 313

FFA Alumna Answers Call to Communicate
This FFA alumna credits the organization – and FFA New Horizons – with helping her uncover her path to professional success. It was an FFA New Horizons article, much like the one you’re reading now, that helped Julie Groce determine she wanted to pursue a career in agricultural communications. Groce, a second-generation FFA member and former member and past president of the Hillsdale FFA in Jeromesville, Ohio, was interested in agricultural broadcasting and competed at the state level in Creed speaking and prepared public speaking leadership development events. She didn’t realize her passions and talents could easily be transformed into a rewarding career. She remembers flipping through FFA New Horizons and landing on an article that outlined the career possibilities in agricultural communications, and that was when she knew it was the path for her. “I was so excited to discover that people in ag communications often wrote about agriculture or worked on the broadcasting side, because both of those sounded perfect for me,” Groce says. “After reading that article, a light bulb went off for […] 

Winter 2018 National Officer Q&A
We ask the 2017-18 national officer about their hopes for the future of the organization. 

Letter From the Editor, Winter 2018
Could the time, talent and treasure of just one person really make an impact and ignite support from others in the community? The answer is yes. 

Ag Angle: Thomas, Louisiana
Varnado Jr. High FFA Chapter Advisor Emily Cooper shares a seasonal photo from Thomas, La. 

On the Record: Robert Jones
The chancellor of the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana started on a sharecrop farm in the segregated South of the 1950s. An FFA background launched his incredible journey. 

Winter 2018: FFA in the USA
Here are some of the important and exciting things happening in FFA chapters around the country. 

Montana Member Gets Serious About Soil
FFA member Kate Indreland sees soil health as the path to a better world. 

Agricultural Education Inside the AgroBox
In order to feed a hungry planet, future agriculturists have to think outside the box. For some students, this means working inside the AgroBox. 

How to Support Your FFA Advisor
FFA advisors have a lot on their plates, but they don’t have to do it all alone. FFA advisors and supporters share some simple ways you can help. 

Quiz: Meet Our Members
How much do you know about our FFA membership? Pick the right answers in this multiple-choice quiz. 

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