The Agriculture Career Challenge Trivia Game
Introduce careers and career focus areas in the agriculture industry through this team-based competitive quiz.
Introduce careers and career focus areas in the agriculture industry through this team-based competitive quiz.
The sports field management industry has a large impact on the sports world and is a great career that allows students to work in turf science as well as with athletics. In Pennsylvania, a new career development event (CDE) has been developed to allow students to explore this industry and career path.
The purpose of this lesson series is to guide students through the agriscience research process. Skills learned through this process are in alignment with the National FFA Agriscience Fair award area.
When I Grow Up-Discover Ag Careers is a resource developed by American Farm Bureau Ferderation. Use this resoruce to explore careers in agriculture, food and natural resources with students in grades 6-8.
Food and Agricultural Literacy Curriculum
Food and Agricultural Literacy Curriculum
Food and Agricultural Literacy Curriculum