Lesson Plans-Curriculum

Bunge – Soy Along the Value Chain

Oil seeds and the oil they produce for the agriculture industry play a significant role in the products we have come to utilize and consume every day. Students will discover the importance of soybeans by learning about business, manufacturing, and food science related to this crucial piece of the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Value Chain.

By |2024-03-08T17:57:40-05:00March 8th, 2024|

Gracie Murphy- Never Give Up Dawg

In life, we all face different battles. The important thing isn’t the battles we face; it’s how we choose to fight them. In her retiring address, 2022-23 National FFA Eastern Region Vice President Gracie Murphy shares stories of battling gracefully.

By |2024-02-22T11:36:17-05:00February 22nd, 2024|

Mackenna Clifton- Growing Together

Aloha is more than a greeting; it’s sharing life’s force. In her retiring address, 2022-23 National FFA Southern Region Vice President MacKenna Clifton shares stories of others embracing aloha.

By |2024-02-22T11:32:48-05:00February 22nd, 2024|

Ryan Williamson- Hidden Pieces

Every individual is unique with their own story, hidden pieces and the strength to overcome shame and self-doubt. In his retiring address, 2022-23 National FFA Western Region Vice President Ryan Williamson shares the story of his hidden pieces.

By |2024-02-22T11:23:55-05:00February 22nd, 2024|

Karstyn Cantrell- Count Joy

Life on the farm teaches resilience and joy in simple blessings. In her retiring address, 2022-23 National FFA Central Region Vice President Karstyn Cantrell shares how ordinary tasks foster skills related to the FFA mission.

By |2024-02-22T11:15:24-05:00February 22nd, 2024|

Jess Herr- The Yellow Table

Dream big or dream bold? In her retiring address, 2022-23 National FFA Secretary Jessica Herr shares stories of bold dreams, including her own “yellow table.”

By |2024-02-22T10:55:02-05:00February 22nd, 2024|

Speaking LDEs Classroom Resource

This lesson series is designed to teach public speaking concepts in the classroom using contest components from the following LDEs: Creed Speaking, Prepared Public Speaking and Extemporaneous Public Speaking.

By |2024-02-21T14:11:46-05:00February 21st, 2024|
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