Lesson Plans-Curriculum

Caleb Wilkerson – Tractor Restoration SAE

Caleb Wilkerson’s SAE is tractor restoration. Students will watch a video on the process Caleb went through to restore a 1948 tractor and then will brainstorm and consider what items they could restore or repurpose in their own lives for a potential SAE.

By |2024-03-28T11:21:40-04:00March 28th, 2024|

Lane Drewery – Farm & Research Associate SAE

Learn about Lane Drewery’s agricultural research SAE. Explore what happens at the agricultural research company he works at and then discover the agricultural research sites in your own state from land-grant universities.

By |2024-03-28T10:01:38-04:00March 28th, 2024|

Bunge – Soy Along the Value Chain

Oil seeds and the oil they produce for the agriculture industry play a significant role in the products we have come to utilize and consume every day. Students will discover the importance of soybeans by learning about business, manufacturing, and food science related to this crucial piece of the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Value Chain.

By |2024-03-08T17:57:40-05:00March 8th, 2024|

Gracie Murphy- Never Give Up Dawg

In life, we all face different battles. The important thing isn’t the battles we face; it’s how we choose to fight them. In her retiring address, 2022-23 National FFA Eastern Region Vice President Gracie Murphy shares stories of battling gracefully.

By |2024-02-22T11:36:17-05:00February 22nd, 2024|
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