FFA Member Leadership Series


The 212° and 360° conferences are now the FFA Member Leadership Series. The FFA Member Leadership Series will empower students with new knowledge and skills that they need to be confident and capable leaders – both in their chapters and beyond.

Next Gen Conferences


The FFA Next Generation Conference is the first of its kind and focuses on the Animal Systems Career Pathway.

New Century Farmer


If production agriculture is your career choice, then New Century Farmer may be [...]



The International Leadership Seminar for State Officers (ILSSO) develops an awareness of global agriculture and enhances the cultural competency of travelers. Each year, 75 [...]



Grants secured through local engagement programs are designed to help chapters enhance existing projects, start new ones or attend FFA or agricultural education events...

SAE Grants


SAE Grants are awarded primarily based on financial need. Grant applications are evaluated by the SAE Grant Committee and are awarded primarily on demonstrated financial need.

National Chapter


The National Chapter Award Program is designed to recognize FFA chapters that actively implement the mission and strategies of the organization. You'll find information on Program of Activities (POA), Past National Chapter winners and Chapter Success Guides.

Prepared Public Speaking


During the Prepared Public Speaking LDE, students present a speech on an agriculture-related topic.