The Gold Standard
The National Chapter Award Program is designed to recognize FFA chapters that actively implement the mission and strategies of the organization. These chapters improve chapter operations using the National Quality Chapter Standards (NQCS) and a Program of Activities (POA) that emphasize growing leaders, building communities and strengthening agriculture. Chapters are rewarded for providing educational experiences for the entire membership.

In order to qualify for a state or national award, your chapter must complete at least 15 activities: one for each of the five quality standards in each of the three divisions. Additionally, the chapter must meet the minimum requirements as outlined in the National Quality Chapter Standards.

Every chapter that meets the minimum quality chapter standards and completes Form I will qualify as a state superior chapter. To do this, chapters need to conduct one activity related to each quality standard in addition to meeting the minimum criteria outlined in the National Quality Chapter Standards. Chapters receive a superior chapter certificate each year they achieve this level. The chapter will also be eligible to compete for their state’s Gold, Silver and Bronze chapter awards.

To compete for state gold, silver or bronze awards, chapters must qualify for the superior chapter award and complete Form II. Chapters use Form II to report goals, plans of action and results/evaluation on three activities for each division. State judges rank the chapters as gold, silver or bronze based on the rubric. Chapters receive a multi-year plaque and yearly plaque inserts, commonly known as spurs, specifying the level achieved each year.
The state’s top three gold chapter award winners (or the number equal to 10 percent of the state’s total number of chapters, if that number is higher) are eligible to compete for the National FFA Star Chapter Awards.

Chapters that receive a gold rating by their state FFA associations are eligible to compete for National FFA 3-star, 2-star or 1-star ratings. Each chapter that competes for these awards will receive a multi-year plaque and a spur designating their 3-star, 2-star or 1-star rating. They will receive additional spurs for each year they compete and receive a rating from the National FFA Organization. Chapters that receive a national 3-star chapter rating will be eligible to compete for the National Premier Chapter Awards, Models of Excellence and Middle School Models of Excellence Awards.

The national level also recognizes the top chapters with innovative activities in each of the three divisions: growing leaders, building communities and strengthening agriculture. The top ten chapters in each division receive a National FFA Premier Chapter Award plaque. Of those top ten in each division, a top premier chapter will be chosen in each division. Only 3-star chapters are eligible for premier chapter awards.

Ten high school chapters will be chosen as Model of Excellence chapters. These National FFA Model of Excellence chapters exhibit exemplary qualities in all categories of growing leaders, building communities and strengthening agriculture. An overall national winner will be chosen out of the Model of Excellence chapters. Only 3-star high school chapters are eligible for the Model of Excellence awards.

Five middle school chapters will be selected as Middle School Model of Excellence chapters. The National FFA Middle School Model of Excellence chapters exhibit exemplary qualities in all categories of growing leaders, building communities and strengthening agriculture. An overall national winner will be chosen out of the Middle School Model of Excellence chapters. Only 3-star middle school chapters are eligible for the Middle School Model of Excellence awards.
Felicity-Franklin FFA Creates Capable Cardinals
Ohio chapter officers developed an award-winning curriculum and friendly competition to teach practical life skills.
Congrats to the 2024 National Chapter, Agriscience Fair and Proficiency Finalists
See who will be competing for the organization's top awards at this year's national convention and expo.
Your How-To Guide for High-Caliber Chapter Programming
Two national award-winning chapters reflect on their journeys to the top and share tips for developing a successful Program of Activities.
Power Up Your Program of Activities
Establishing the foundation for a successful chapter lies in developing a strong POA. Enhance your chapter's POA with these helpful tips.