Owls Chat: Environmental Systems Pathway
May 17, 2021 | The recorded environmental systems pathway chats features resources and tips for creating meaningful learning.
Owls Chat: Food Products & Processing Systems Pathway
April 19, 2021 | The recorded chat covers the food products and processing systems pathway.
Owls Chat: Biotechnology Systems Pathway
March 15, 2021 | This month’s recorded Owls Chat covers the biotechnology systems pathway
Teacher Workshop: FFA Member Engagement and Recruitment: Keeping Members Connected
The global pandemic has given agriculture teachers a chance to reflect and rediscover why they became teachers and FFA advisors.
Engaging with FFA Members
National Teacher Ambassadors for FFA give hints, tips and strategies for engaging with members.
Discussion: Recruiting and Retaining FFA Members in Your Chapter
Join Noble Education Initiative's Byron Ernest for a discussion with multiple FFA chapters and national officer Paxton Dahmer about recruiting and retaining FFA members.
Owls Chat: Power, Structures, & Technology Pathway
Feb. 15, 2021 | The recorded chats cover the PST systems pathway, featuring resources and tips for creating meaningful learning.
Owls Chat: Plant Systems Pathway
Jan. 18, 2021 | This month’s conversation centers around delivery of the plant systems pathway. Master teachers shared their techniques for implementing
Owls Chat: Natural Resources Pathway
Nov. 3, 2020 | Master teachers share their favorite strategies and lessons for implementing the natural resources pathway in your classroom and chapter.
Owls Chat: Animal Systems Pathway
Oct. 19, 2020 | Master teachers will share their favorite strategies and lessons for implementing Animal Systems School-Based Enterprises, managing animal health, bringing industry into your classroom, and coaching animal-related CDE’s.
Owls Chat: Agribusiness Pathway
Sept. 21, 2020 | The National FFA Education and State Relations teams hosted an Owls Chat session centered around the Agribusiness pathway. The session features Jacob Ball, KY, on Infusing Ag Business professionals into your program to enhance program planning and instruction. Hannah Everetts, OH