8 Fast Facts About George Washington Carver
Although you may think you know this leading agricultural innovator, discover some new and interesting things about “The Peanut Man.”
FFA Advisor Takes a Plunge
This Virginia FFA advisor dives deep to educate about the underwater world.
June is Turkey Lovers Month
Read on for fun facts about the United States' turkey industry.
Advocating for Dairy in June
Dairy ambassador Anna Eurele shares how your FFA experiences can help you celebrate June Dairy Month.
6 Things I Learned as a State Officer
Jake Traylor’s time as 2016-17 Texas FFA president set him up for a successful journalism career.
Selecting a Slate of National Officers
The national officer nominating committee members embrace a difficult, yet rewarding, task.
7 Summer Tasks to Enhance Your SAE
Make the most of your time this summer and develop an award-worthy project.
State Officer Found Footing in FFA
After moving from Japan to the United States, Nagomi Lydia Watanabe found a home and purpose in FFA.
Farm2School Program Puts FFA Members’ Products on Plates
Holmen FFA members serve up fresh foods for school lunches through a partnership with the school district’s nutrition program.
FFA Alumna Shares Her Mental Health Struggle
Maddison Caldwell spreads a message of hope and mental health support.
National FFA Secretary Finds His Spark
Jackson Sylvester encourages members to follow their career dreams.
A Strong Future Ahead for 2021-22 Ohio FFA President
Until he joined FFA, it didn’t occur to Jake Zajkowski that his future might include feeding the world.
Why I Give: Philanthropy Is Natural for This FFA Alumni Member
Giving back comes naturally to this FFA alum.