State officers embark on a journey of growth, leadership and service through the State Officer Continuum. Use this dashboard to keep updated and find resources for your journey as a state officer.

State officers embark on a journey of growth, leadership and service through the State Officer Continuum. Use this dashboard to keep updated and find resources for your journey as a state officer.
Reconsidered Podcast
Reconsidered is a podcast series for current and former state FFA officers. Check out the nine episodes here!
Reconsidered Podcast: Reckless Finances w/ Guest Elio Chiarelli
Are you being wise with your money and see it for its real value?
Reconsidered Podcast: Reckless Decisions w/ Guest Tobin Redwine
Are your decisions reckless, or are they setting a course for a phenomenal life?
Measures of Success
Competencies for state officersMeasures of Success Resources
The state officer continuum develops within eleven focus areas, designated as key competencies, or measures of success.
Self-Reflection Guide
Unpack your year of serviceSelf-Reflection Guide
Intentional self-reflection is a great way to honor the experience of state FFA office.Officer Opportunities
Looking for ways to stay involved?Opportunities
Opportunities range from those that can be pursued during state office to after state office is completed.
Mentor Resources
Tips for mentorsMentor Resources
Challenge your mentor to help you dig deeper into your officer experience with self-reflection and mentor guides.
The Delegate Experience
Learn more about your role as a delegate for your state.Delegates
Many state officers represent their state association as a National FFA Delegate.
FFA Member Celebrates a Culture Rich in Tradition
Anthony Hernandez celebrates Native American life and his FFA experience.
FFA Members and Alum Pursue Their Passions With Careers at Culver’s
One way Culver's supports FFA is by connecting FFA members with career opportunities throughout the company.
6 Things I Learned as a State Officer
Jake Traylor’s time as 2016-17 Texas FFA president set him up for a successful journalism career.
State Officer Found Footing in FFA
After moving from Japan to the United States, Nagomi Lydia Watanabe found a home and purpose in FFA.