Floral Shop SAE Video
Peek into this floral shop supervised agricultural experience (SAE)to motivate your students to try new opportunities in FFA by learning about a unique SAE.
Peek into this floral shop supervised agricultural experience (SAE)to motivate your students to try new opportunities in FFA by learning about a unique SAE.
Anthony Hernandez celebrates Native American life and his experience.
Agriculture innovations continue to expand rapidly, connecting technological advancements with food production. One particularly fast-growing technology in agriculture is automation.
Students will use the vocabulary from the 2022 Spring New Horizons Teaching Guide to develop a comic strip.
Joining FFA helped Bennett Perez go from shy to self-assured and gave her the confidence to chase her dreams.
This educator guide is a resource for advisors who bring students to national convention and/or those students that are attending convention virtually.
Supervised agricultural experiences (SAEs) allow students to apply what they have learned in the classroom in a real-world setting. Before getting to that step, students will first need to determine their SAE. This lesson will help introduce SAEs to students.
The sports field management industry has a large impact on the sports world and is a great career that allows students to work in turf science as well as with athletics. In Pennsylvania, a new career development event (CDE) has been developed to allow students to explore this industry and career path.
The purpose of this lesson series is to guide students through the agriscience research process. Skills learned through this process are in alignment with the National FFA Agriscience Fair award area.