Shea Booster – Why Me?
In this retiring address, 2018-19 National FFA Western Region Vice President Shea Booster discusses how we need to strive to be great leaders by not claiming to be “victims” in various situations.
In this retiring address, 2018-19 National FFA Western Region Vice President Shea Booster discusses how we need to strive to be great leaders by not claiming to be “victims” in various situations.
In this retiring address, 2018-19 National FFA Central Region Vice President Ridge Hughbanks shares how hard work and resiliency are key components to being a great leader and caring for yourself.
We go through life hiding behind a mask suitable for whatever situation we are currently a part of, hoping to be accepted. In this retiring address, 2018-19 National FFA President Luke O’Leary shares how it is important to allow others to see us for who we truly are.
In this retiring address, 2018-19 National FFA Secretary Layni LeBlanc shares how we need to continue asking questions and enter into the “gray space” to grow and learn.
In this retiring address, 2018-19 National FFA Southern Region Vice President Jordan Stowe discusses how we need to remember and respect the small moments that happen every day because that is where we can learn, be present and find where we are.
In this retiring address, 2018-19 National FFA Eastern Region Vice President Adrian Schunk discusses the importance of making moments in life meaningful because that is the time in which we can really give something meaningful to others.
A summary of top utilized National FFA Educational Resources.
The Combating Food Insecurity Curriculum is an engaging middle school level curriculum geared towards educating students from all backgrounds to engage in understanding world hunger and agriculture’s role for finding solutions.
Many believe that learning stops once you graduate from your last step in the world of academia, whether that is a high school diploma or a doctorate. However, to truly succeed, we must strive to be lifelong learners. In this retiring address, 2017-18 National FFA Central Region Vice President Piper Merritt discusses the importance of becoming a forever learner.