4 Ways to Do FFA Week on a Budget

By |2019-12-20T13:23:25-05:00December 20th, 2019|Categories: FFA New Horizons, FFA Week, The Feed|Tags: , , |

“George Washington was better able to serve his country because he was financially independent.” And likely because he was thrifty. Check out a few ways you can save your dollar bills this National FFA Week and still make a big impact.

1. Chalk Art-Vertising

Posters, flyers, radio and newspaper spots can add up quickly. Indulge your artistic side this week. Advertise National FFA Week and advocate for agriculture at your school and around town by using chalk to draw on sidewalks, concrete barriers, or any safe and approved surface. As an extra bonus, you won’t have to worry about cleaning up papers or recycling after the first rainstorm.

2. Community Service

There is no better time of year to demonstrate what the FFA motto means by “Living to Serve” than during National FFA Week. It costs nothing but time and effort to write a letter to soldiers serving overseas, to read to residents in your local nursing home, or even to volunteer at a food shelter this week. For an extra impact, start a collection at your school of canned food, art supplies or books that you can donate at the end of the week to an organization in need.

3. The Blue and Golden Rule Day

Dress-up days are a fairly common chapter activity. Take your flair for fashion to a new level this year. Celebrate Blue and Golden Rule Day by only wearing blue and gold color clothes. Then, showcase your FFA pride by treating every person you meet that day the way they want to be treated. Random acts of kindness will spread the FFA spirit further and faster than you might expect.

4. Social Media Tools

Social media has quickly become one of the most popular and affordable ways to communicate. Create your own National FFA Week hashtag, check out free social media graphics from the National FFA Organization, or even create an FFA photo challenge for the week to take your celebrations out of the classroom and into the world.

Whether you are celebrating your first National FFA Week or your 50th, learn more about National FFA Week at FFA.org/National-FFA-Week and follow #FFAWeek online to see how others are sharing the ways FFA impacts members every day. Use the free planning tools online to start planning your budgetfriendly National FFA Week and have a major impact on your home, school and community.

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