National FFA Week is nearly upon us. It’s a time set aside each year for FFA members to take part in agricultural, leadership and service-based activities, and to share the message of FFA.
We’re doing our part for you. In “2021 Guide to National FFA Week,” you’ll find a variety of ideas to help you make the most of it.
“National FFA Week is a significant event that really showcases the heart of our organization,” says Christine White, chief program officer for the National FFA Organization. “Local chapters use this as an opportunity to highlight program success, recognize community supporters and amplify the mission of the organization.”
This year, more than 700,000 FFA members will spend the week of Feb. 20-27 developing their potential through agricultural education. They will do so in creative, innovative and even virtual ways.
“It could be hosting a breakfast for teachers, an open house for FFA supporters or bestowing chapter level degrees. It truly is an opportunity to celebrate all things FFA. As a former member and agriculture educator, FFA Week is something I always looked forward to since it was a way to share my passion for the organization,” White says. “FFA members should embrace the planning, execution and celebration that occurs with developing activities and events for FFA Week. The skills of teamwork, communication and advocating are ones you will carry with you beyond your FFA experience.”
Keep track of all that is happening this week by following #FFAWeek on your social channels. Find more about all the resources available at
More Than FFA Week
In this issue, you’ll also find articles about National Ag Day, Black innovators in agriculture, a groundbreaking Kentucky equine program for students, and more.
Enjoy and have a super spring!
Justin Davey
Editor, FFA New Horizons