Starting in 1948, the National FFA Board of Directors designated a weeklong tradition to recognize George Washington’s example and legacy as a leader and farmer. For the past 73 years, FFA members across the country have taken part in agricultural, leadership and service-based activities during National FFA Week.
“National FFA Week is a significant event that really showcases the heart of our organization,” says Christine White, chief program officer for the National FFA Organization. “Local chapters use this as an opportunity to highlight program success, recognize community supporters and amplify the mission of the organization.”
This year, more than 700,000 FFA members will spend the week of Feb. 20-27 developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. They will do so in creative and innovative ways. Whether volunteering to clean up the local fairgrounds or throwing a citywide party to celebrate the 1732 birth of our first president, there is no limit to how this week can be recognized.
“It could be hosting a breakfast for teachers, an open house for FFA supporters or bestowing chapter-level degrees. It truly is an opportunity to celebrate all things FFA. As a former member and agricultural educator, FFA Week is something I always looked forward to since it was a way to share my passion for the organization,” White says. “FFA members should embrace the planning, execution and celebration that occurs with developing activities and events for FFA Week. The skills of teamwork, communication and advocating are ones you will carry with you beyond your FFA experience.”
Keep track of all that is happening by following #FFAWeek on your social channels. Find more about all the resources available at
How to Plan Your Best FFA Week Yet
Do you host a trivia night? Maybe even set up an agriculture-inspired escape room? Perhaps your chapter completes service activities or plans a virtual game night. What about themed school dress-up days? No matter how your chapter chooses to celebrate National FFA Week, there are a lot of moving parts.
Tips and resources like these from the National FFA Week Implementation Guide, the FFA Week Virtual Implementation Guide and the FFA Week National Days of Service Toolkit, all available at, can help keep all these details manageable.
Planning Tools
Do you need a sponsorship tool kit? Where did you save last year’s roles and responsibilities file? Keep all your planning tools in line and find organizational templates you didn’t even know you were missing.
Grounded in Standards
With all the hard work and effort that goes into planning, it makes sense to align activities to national education standards. Find the full list of relevant standards across all disciplines and give your planning a purpose.
Scripts and Texts
Whether it’s drafting a post for social media or a script for a radio announcement, a lot of writing is involved in National FFA Week planning. Find scripts and texts for every scenario in the Media, Promotion and Advocacy section.
It’s Not Just About Us
There is no better week of the year to recognize community members, local businesses and school supporters. Find ideas and examples of how you can thank those individuals for their continued support throughout the implementation guide.
Give FFA Day: By The Numbers
Every gift to FFA matters. Consider the impact made during the 2019 Give FFA Day. All in a day’s work.
471 donors contributed more than $234,000 in one 24-hour period to support more than 760,000 FFA members in over 8,700 chapters across the country.
National FFA Week: Day By Day
Curious how you can connect with FFA members across the country this week? Follow these National FFA Week campaigns and contribute your stories!

Agricultural education isn’t a three-component model with- out an SAE. Snap a photo and share your story online.

Monday: Service and Advocacy Day
Use this Presidents’ Day to volunteer in your community or advocate for agriculture.

TUESDAY: Alumni Day
FFA alumni and supporters are full of inspiration. Connect with one today and begin building your network for #FFAWeek.

WEDNESDAY: Ag Teacher Appreciation Day
There is no FFA chapter without a dedicated advisor. Share how an ag teacher or advisor has impacted your life this week.

Spend the next 24 hours supporting this fundraising campaign to help support the various needs of FFA members.

FRIDAY: National Wear Blue Day
Whether it’s navy, cerulean or national blue, don your FFA colors with pride today.
Thank you, Alumni and Supporters!
Whether they wore the blue jacket or support an organization they were never a member of, these individuals are celebrated on National FFA Alumni and Supporters Day. Since 1971, alumni and supporters have found ways to significantly contribute to their local chapters. Jeremy Krerowicz, the past president of the Denmark FFA Alumni in Wisconsin, fondly remembers his time as a member, and he uses those experiences as motivation to lead the 2020 Outstanding FFA Alumni and Supporters Chapter.
“Our members love to see the students grow,” Krerowicz says. “We love seeing them being recognized at state and national conventions, during their chapter banquet and throughout the community. It shows that we are doing our part. We help them with the resources they need to get that far.”
In every state in the nation, alumni and supporters chapters work to create environments where people and communities can develop their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success. They are raising funds to send members to the Washington Leadership Conference, hosting students with supervised agricultural experiences (SAEs), helping to advocate for their local chapters and more. And 2021 marks the 50th anniversary of the National FFA Alumni Association. Thank you, alumni and supporters!
A Grant for Growing A Greenhouse
Grants for Growing funds are raised at Tractor Supply Company stores during National FFA Week, and each year FFA chapters can apply for up to $5,000. The Grants for Growing program provides funding to support one of three areas: Grow Your Classroom, Grow Your FFA Chapter or Grow Your Ag Awareness. The National FFA Organization has seen some amazing programs over the past few years, and every FFA chapter that receives Grants for Growing funding has its own success story.
The Central Valley FFA in California recently received funding to support a year-round greenhouse that provides vegetables for the community. Students in the agriculture chemistry classes researched various soils, brands of seed and growing temperatures to ensure a successful greenhouse operation.
Is your chapter looking to apply this year? Be sure to check out and review the chapter checklist and FAQ. You can also visit your local Tractor Supply Company store and have a conversation about the program and how to partner during the time leading up to National FFA Week.