West Tennessee FFA at the 97th National FFA Convention & Expo

Over 70,000 FFA members diverged to downtown Indianapolis this past October for the 97th National FFA Convention & Expo. West Tennessee was represented throughout national convention, which featured the theme “Engage.” FFA members were encouraged to grow and engage with other FFA members from across the country. The opportunities presented at this National Convention to West Tennessee were monumental.

West Tennessee FFA Delegates

West Tennessee FFA had three delegates as part of the National FFA Delegate Process at convention. Sarah Ault, West Tennessee state vice president; Lucy Beth Jackson, West Tennessee regional president; and Ann Thomas Lowery, Dyersburg FFA vice president, represented West Tennessee and Tennessee FFA as delegates. These individuals organized and worked during delegate meetings to grow FFA in the coming years.

Chapter Awards

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West Tennessee FFA chapters were represented at this convention as well. Tennessee had 16 chapters recognized for their achievements at the national level. As part of the state’s Western Region, One Star chapters from West Tennessee were Bradford FFA, Brighton FFA, Covington FFA, Crockett County FFA, Dyer County FFA, Munford FFA, and Paris FFA. Two Star chapters from West Tennessee were Bolivar Central FFA and Westview FFA. Paris FFA was recognized as a Premier Chapter for their project titled “Growing Leaders: Healthy Lifestyle, Sun’s Out Screens Out.”

Members Excelling

 West Tennessee FFA members excelled when it came to competing. Teams competing in Career and Leadership Development Events consisted of Crockett County FFA – agricultural sales; Munford FFA – environmental and natural resources; Munford FFA – forestry; Crockett County FFA – parliamentary procedure; and Covington FFA – poultry evaluation. Individuals competing at the national level included Sarah Ault – extemporaneous public speaking. West Tennessee also had 39 American FFA Degree recipients to highlight the hard work of these members as part of their Supervised Agricultural Experiences.

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FFA members were not only recognized for awards, but they also connected with industry professionals, colleges and other FFA members to learn more about agriculture. Leadership opportunities such as student workshops and general sessions allowed members to learn more about agriculture and FFA.

The Future of West Tennessee FFA

West Tennessee FFA experienced significant growth during the 2023-24 year. As they move through the 2024-25 school year, the region will continue to thrive and empower the future of FFA and agriculture.

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