In mid-April, the 2024-25 Western Region FFA Officers were elected in Tennessee. Six individuals from six different FFA chapters were installed at the 74th West Tennessee FFA Regional Banquet. These officers were ready to serve their state and utilize their knowledge and skills.
Learning to Do
As the officer team started to grow closer, share ideas and create a friendly environment, they started to plan for the biggest event of the year: West Tennessee FFA Greenhand Conference. This event serves as a way for the officers to connect with incoming FFA members.
These officers attended the Regional Office Preparatory Experience to grow their communication and leadership skills. Participating in workshops, a scavenger hunt and small group activities helped all the officers connect. The regional officers then started to prepare for the Greenhand Conference. After hours of deliberation and preparation, they finally had a theme and workshops planned.

Tennessee FFA state and regional officers at Regional Office Preparatory Experience.
This year’s theme was “West Tennessee FFA, Assemble!” It was based around the superheroes most members grew up watching and learning about, and the regional officers incorporated it into their workshops about leadership, hard work and communication.
Doing to Learn
After preparing the workshops, it was time for the officers to start preparing and practicing how they could grow leaders within West Tennessee FFA and ensure a memorable experience. The officers decided that each member would attend three workshops to learn about different opportunities and hands-on activities and form connections with other members.
“The Greenhand Conference was my first experience in FFA,” says Bolivar Central FFA member Kayden Mynatt.“The workshops influenced me by giving me ideas and goals for the next year.”
Earning to Live
The Greenhand Conference helped members learn about setting goals, comfort zones and advocacy. Participating in workshops also gave them learning opportunities to take back to their chapters and find success in any career path they choose.
Living to Serve
The West Tennessee FFA regional officers guide upcoming members and serve their region to increase awareness of the importance of FFA and agriculture. Members can apply the skills they learned from the Greenhand Conference to enhance their FFA journeys.
“The impact I wanted to have at Greenhand Conference was to show members that it is normal to be nervous about stepping out of your comfort zone,” says Regional Vice President Jack Fancey. “Once you push past your boundaries, you are able to see how much you are really capable of accomplishing.”