Two Louisiana FFA State Officers “Spill the Tea”

By |2024-09-11T17:01:39-04:00September 11th, 2024|Categories: FFA in the USA|Tags: , , |

Two seniors attending Winnfield Senior High School have a very interesting and engaging Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE).

Jasmine “JJ” Jones, the 2024-25 Louisiana FFA state treasurer, and Emily “Mimi” Nevils, the 2024-25 Louisiana FFA state Area ll vice president, met in their freshman year of high school. Ever since that initial moment when the two became friends, they’ve been inseparable.

When walking into their freshman agriculture class, both were immediately faced with the same challenge: What will my SAE be? After digging on the internet and confiding in their advisor, Ryan Riley, they came up with the idea to have a podcast.

This podcast, which is featured on the Winnfield FFA Chapter’s YouTube channel, helps Nevils and Jones aid those apprehensive about running for area office. In Louisiana, there are four areas. Each area is represented by an officer team that includes the original six positions, plus a possible junior vice president position.

When applying, candidates go through a committee process very similar to the one state officers go through. Jones and Nevils not only explain the process and what the year of service is like, but they also give advice for one to use when even having the slightest idea of trying out.

Read on to learn about their experiences in FFA.

Q: What is your favorite quote you live by?

JJ:Everything is awesome.”

EN: “You only live once.”

When faced with decisions or opportunities, I always remind myself that I may never be presented with these chances again, so why take them for granted? By having this mindset, I’ve become less fearful of chances, more confident in my decisions, and have a positive outlook on life. Life is not meant to be wasted doting on the past of struggling to make decisions. Life should be lived in the moment, living freely and unapologetically.

Q: What’s some advice you would give to anyone who may want to do this SAE in particular?

JJ: Have someone really fun to share the task with. 

EN: Reach out to anyone to help you! We have had special guests appear in episodes and they love it. The minute they start working on the podcast, they want to do more activities in the FFA. It never hurts to reach out, so try to include as many people as possible.

Q: Who is someone you would like to thank for helping you along the way?

JJ: For sure Mr. Riley, for giving us the idea. I would also like to thank Bailey Lenard for setting up the camera and sound system many times for us. We never could quite seem to figure out the logistics.

EN: I would like to give a special thank you to my advisor, Mr. Riley, for introducing me to the media world. He was the first person to reach out to me about using my speaking skills for fun activities like our podcast or calling softball games. Without his encouragement, I never would have started my SAE nor desired to learn the inner workings of social media and video production.

Whether it be going to college or pursuing something else in life, these FFA members can definitely do whatever they put their mind to. If you’re looking for that extra push or just some insight on what FFA is like, watch the video below and see for yourself!

About the Author:

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Hey y'all!! My name is Zoey Symons, and I am from a small town in Louisiana called Pearl River. I have been a part of the FFA for about 6 years now and I wouldn't trade my time in this organization for the world. In my chapter, I have served on the officer team all the years I've been in the FFA. This year, I am serving as my chapter's President for the 2024 - 2025 school year. I currently show lamancha dairy goats and angus cattle. I enjoy spending time with my family, friends, and animals. Once I graduate, I plan to get my Bachelor's in Agribusiness at McNeese State University. I am super excited to be a reporter for this program and I cannot wait to see what this year will bring!!
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