North Carolina FFA Delegates in front of the stage at the 97th National FFA Convention & Expo.
For most FFA members, the 97th National FFA Convention & Expo began when the gavel dropped for the First General Session. But for the National FFA Delegates, there was work to be done in the days leading up to convention.
Every year during the National FFA Convention & Expo, 475 delegates gather with representatives from all 52 state associations. The purpose of these delegates gathering is to generate proposals that will be presented to the National FFA Board of Directors. Being a delegate means being a representative in matters that will change the organization as a whole.
The delegate experience is a unique side of national convention that only select FFA members get to have. This year, the North Carolina FFA Association had a total of 19 delegate representatives. This included the six state officers and 13 additional delegate representatives who took flight on Oct. 20, 2024, for Indianapolis.
The Work Begins
Delegate work began on the Tuesday of national convention, when all delegates were divided into six committees. The following days consisted of hours of debate, brainstorming and parliamentary procedure to create proposals that would be presented during the business sessions.
“The feeling of knowing I’m representing several thousand members back home gives me chills,” said Kimber Volske, a junior at South Iredell High School who served as a North Carolina delegate this year. “In that room, we made history for FFA!”
Carson Park, the current North Carolina FFA state vice president, said she was impressed by the work of this year’s delegates.
“The other state officers and I were so grateful to work with students who were so passionate about the issues and unafraid to stand firm in their beliefs, even if they disagreed with their peers, and the kindness and respect they showed everyone,” Park said.
- North Carolina FFA Delegate seating for the business session.
- Leadership delegate leading a group discussion in the committee room.
- North Carolina Delegate preparing for Business Session.
Outside of the Committee Rooms
The delegates were also given the opportunity to attend town hall meetings, delegate luncheons, participate in the National Days of Service and corporate partner engagement events. During these events, they were given the opportunity to network with others and learn more about the National FFA Organization.
Additionally, the delegates were given front-row seating to all of the general sessions. From dancing to the tunes being produced by the National FFA Chorus and Band to cheering the loudest for all the individuals who were being recognized on stage, North Carolina FFA brought the energy wherever its delegates went.
As described by Travis Cox, the North Carolina FFA state president, “The National FFA Convention & Expo creates a unique environment that brings people from every corner of the United States together to create relationships that will last a lifetime.”
The North Carolina FFA Delegates made many new friends and got to see old friends from across the country. Being in a room full of members from all corners of the nation allowed them to learn about how FFA is different in every state, but remember that at the end of the day, they all share the same blue jacket.
- North Carolina Delegates at the National Days of Service in Newfields.
- North Carolina FFA Delegates in front-row seating.
- Delegate kick-off luncheon.
Final Remarks
“Being a delegate was one of the best experiences of my FFA career,” said Gavin Merlo, a senior at Lumberton High School. “I got to meet people from all over the country, exchange ideas and work together to shape the future of our organization.”
According to Park, the delegate process is hard work, but worth it in the end.
“It was such an amazing experience, and I’m so happy to have shared it with these individuals,” she said. “If you’re even slightly interested in serving as a delegate, I would highly encourage you to apply for the role. It’s so inspiring to be a part of the future of FFA, and I know I will remember the experience forever.”
- North Carolina FFA state officer team.
- The Stage of National FFA Convention from the Press Box.
- North Carolina Delegates eating dinner at NADA’s.
To learn more about the day-to-day activities of the North Carolina delegates, follow @nc_ffaintheusa on Instagram.