The Blue Jacket Journey of London Newson

By |2025-03-25T10:43:03-04:00March 25th, 2025|Categories: FFA in the USA|Tags: , |

London Newson began her middle school journey as a shy sixth grader. Influenced by her sister, she quickly put herself in poultry, horse and forestry competitions, participating in everything her friends pursued simply to enjoy it. By seventh grade, Newson ventured into vegetable judging and realized “I could finally participate in an event I excelled at, independent of others’ influence.”

This marked a turning point for her, as she became dedicated to her Florida chapter and the National FFA Organization, which significantly impacted her life. “The organization kept me engaged and provided opportunities to make friends,” she says.

Now a sophomore, Newson has taken on the role of chapter reporter, which has motivated her to pursue a position as a sub-district chair. This role enables her to foster connections among members and learn about the successful practices of other chapters.

FFA has profoundly transformed Newson’s life. When discussing her future ambitions within the organization, she says she intends to run for state office, aiming to raise awareness about the organization among individuals outside of it. Newson also intends to study veterinary medicine at the University of Florida.

Follow in Newson’s footsteps by inviting our organization to make a difference in you and becoming the change we need.

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