Odessa FFA members read to a second-grade class about the products animal species provide for our everyday lives during their pajama day.
As recited by the reporter during opening ceremonies, “FFA is a national organization that reaches from the state of Alaska to the Virgin Islands and from the state of Maine to Hawaii.” Although this organization is widespread, an impact can be made with something as simple as a book.
Established in 2020, the Odessa FFA Chapter may not have a long history, but it does have one full of tradition. The most notable is its combination of celebrations in February. In addition to National FFA Week, the chapter celebrates I Love to Read Month.
To promote understanding and knowledge of agriculture as well as its impact on society, Odessa FFA started what some refer to as their “Read to Lead” initiative. This gives on-campus teachers in kindergarten through fifth grade the opportunity to have active FFA members read to their classes for 30 minutes of the school day on the Friday of National FFA Week.
“Preparation for this event starts well before the month of February,” says 2023-24 Odessa FFA Strengthening Agriculture Chairperson Elizabeth Handlin. “The chapter begins collecting books suitable for each grade level and reaches out to teachers to see if they are interested in having members come speak with their classes.”
During the event, members read aloud a book related to agriculture to their assigned classroom. They also promote critical thinking by asking follow-up questions and answering any questions they receive after reading. This leaves students with a greater appreciation for everyday items that agriculture provides and a better understanding of its roles in their daily lives.

Odessa FFA member Giada Mancuso reads to a first-grade class.
“We have exposed more than 1,200 elementary school students to the world of agriculture in just three short years,” says Odessa FFA advisor Kara Kochis. “This event has become one FFA members and elementary students look forward to, playing a vital role in growing appreciation for agriculture within our local community.”
The impact members have on students during this event goes much deeper than just reading.
“It’s an experience like no other,” says Odessa FFA member Giada Mancuso. “When we walk into the classrooms in our Official Dress, the students’ faces light up with excitement and curiosity. Once we start reading and the students become more engaged in what we are saying, you can see as they start to grasp onto new agricultural topics.”
This “Read to Lead” initiative has helped FFA members give back to their community. It also helps them empower and educate the next generation of leaders, who will hopefully look back on events like this with gratitude as they shape what our tomorrow looks like.