Raising the Bar: The Growth and Grind of Libbey Logan’s SAE

By |2024-08-30T11:54:45-04:00August 30th, 2024|Categories: FFA in the USA|Tags: , , |
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Libbey Logan checks on her goats in the evening.

Libbey Logan checks on her goats in the evening.

Libbey Logan is a member of the Lincoln County FFA Chapter in Tennessee whose passion and dedication to goat management are truly inspiring.

Logan’s Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) revolves around managing goats on her family farm, a tradition she has embraced wholeheartedly from a young age. Despite the demands of managing her SAE, excelling in academics and fulfilling FFA responsibilities, Logan consistently demonstrates a remarkable commitment to excellence.

“Since I was really little, it’s always been a family-run deal,” she says. “I don’t know anything different.”

Her authentic love for her SAE is evident, as she fondly recalls the memorable experience of one of her goats being born on New Year’s Eve.

However, every journey presents its challenges, and Logan described her reluctance toward one particular aspect of goat management: clipping goat hooves. “It’s not the most enjoyable task,” she says.

A typical day for Logan revolves around ensuring the welfare of her goats. Mornings are dedicated to checking on them before heading to school, while her afternoons involve a thorough examination of the water troughs and the barn. Logan’s unwavering dedication and adept time management skills not only reflect her determination to excel in her SAE but also underscore her commitment to academic pursuits.

Logan’s inspiring story will undoubtedly stand as a testament to the invaluable skills cultivated through FFA and SAE involvement. Her disciplined approach and meticulous attention to goat management have equipped her with vital organizational, time management and decision-making skills that will undoubtedly shape her future, whether it involves working with goats or pursuing research on animals.


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