A black male Labrador from Dogs Inc.
“He definitely helped me break out of my shell and basically become myself,” says Aydin Anbarci, a senior at Clements High School.
Anbarci is on a mission to help improve someone’s life in partnership with the nationwide corporation Dogs Inc. Riley, a black male Labrador, is his key to doing so.
In September 2023, Anbarci was given Riley, who was barely three weeks old at the time. From then on, Anbarci and Riley have been inseparable.
Anbarci has been fascinated with dogs since he was young, having had four throughout his entire life.
“When I was young, I would always approach street dogs, even when I was advised not to,” he says, reinforcing why stepping into this role as a Dogs Inc. puppy raiser was like stepping into his own skin.
Anbarci had been in the program for a year before getting Riley, during which time he underwent extensive training sessions with experienced raisers and certified Dogs Inc. trainers.
What is Dogs Inc.?
Dogs Inc. is a reputable organization dedicated to training guide dogs. They provide comprehensive support throughout the entire raising process. From the initial selection of a puppy to the final handover to someone who is visually impaired, Anbarci is guided by experienced professionals who offer guidance, resources and a strong sense of community. It doesn’t stop there — even after the puppy gets matched, Anbarci still receives updates from the owner and even gets to meet the person whose life he helped change.
If given the chance, Anbarci says he would do this program a million times over. He even aims to pursue this program at his college of choice.
“I would recommend this program to people who wish to give the power of sight to others,” he says. “Or anyone who just wants to seriously raise a dog and change a life.”
Anbarci says raising Riley has changed his life for the better. Before Riley, Anbarci was extremely introverted and kept to himself. Through raising him, Anbarci had to learn how to communicate with others and tell them about the amazing program he had the privilege of being a part of. He was also able to connect with like-minded people who shared his passion for raising animals and made lifelong relationships.
“Even through the hardships with Riley, I wouldn’t change a thing,” he says.
Riley’s Future
Later this year, Riley will go back to the home campus of Dogs Inc. in Florida and finish his training. Through multiple tests, Dogs Inc. professionals will decide if Riley best suits the “career path” of a guide dog, service dog, therapy dog, arson dog or breeder.
“I know he will do great things no matter what pathway he goes into,” Anbarci says. “I am so proud of him already, and can’t wait to see where he goes and whose life he will change.”