Planting a Legacy: Bringing the Chestnut to Minnesota

By |2025-01-07T08:27:16-05:00September 11th, 2024|Categories: FFA in the USA|Tags: , , |

Minnesota FFA member Alexander Timm is planting a legacy with his forestry Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE).

Timm runs a nursery in his backyard, where he grows trees not just for profit but also for conservation. A project he started with his dad is now blossoming into a nursery he plans to develop for years to come.

Since he was a child, Timm has collected acorns off the ground with his family. Recently, however, he turned this into an SAE that includes planting and raising saplings. He now sells the saplings to friends and family. Timm is a member of the Bethlehem Academy FFA Chapter in Faribault, Minn.

Timm’s project isn’t just a business; it’s a conservation effort, and he believes FFA is giving him the tools to make his goal a reality. Through his SAE, he hopes to bring the Chestnut tree to Minnesota.

After the tree’s population was decimated by a pathogen more than a century ago, Timm hopes to bring the tree to Minnesota by selectively breeding trees resistant to harsh winters. Watch to learn more about how Timm is turning the acorns he finds on the ground into a successful SAE.

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