Pennsylvania FFA state officers Emily Kerstetter (far left), Chloe Bomgardner (second from left), Evan Espenshade (third from left), Nathan Lesh (center), Sydney Albright (third from right), Jaclyn Martin (second from right) and Kennady Laird (far right).
From those in upstate forest country to those in one of America’s most historic cities, Pennsylvania FFA is home to more than 16,000 members spread across the state’s four regions. These members with various backgrounds unite for one common goal: agriculture.
For events, competitions, banquets, ceremonies and everything in between to run smoothly, you need a group of strong leaders — one of which is the 2024-25 state officer team.
Beginning in 1930, Pennsylvania established a state officer team to bring new experiences to members and their FFA stories. The state is also home to more than 10 national officers, with the most recent being 2022-23 National FFA Secretary Jessica Herr. Its officer team also includes a state chaplain, which isn’t found in many other states. These leaders from the past are helping inspire those coming in the future.
This year’s Pennsylvania FFA state officer team (pictured above) consists of:
- President Chloe Bomgardner
- Vice President Nathan Lesh
- Secretary Sydney Albright
- Treasurer Emily Kerstetter
- Reporter Evan Espenshade
- Sentinel Kennady Laird
- Chaplain Jaclyn Martin
These officers have been working hard in the past six months, with support pouring in from everyone in their surroundings. Becoming a state officer takes a lot of work and dedication, but these leaders are trailblazing a new path for future state officers.
When asked why they became a state officer, responses varied. Some felt grateful for all the organization has done for them and wanted to give back, while others shared that they had similar interests as state officers who had visited their chapter or were told they have the state officer personality. Even with different motives for taking this position, they are an unstoppable team.
Looking ahead to the rest of their year of service, these officers are going to facilitate state leadership conferences such as Agricultural Cooperation Establishes Success (ACES) and State Legislative Leadership Conference (SLLC), in addition to National FFA Week activities and State Conference.
The Core of the Keystone keeps members engaged in learning, active in membership and excited for years to come. As 2024-25 Pennsylvania FFA State Vice President Nathan Lesh (pictured below) says, “Together we can make all the difference!”