FFA in the USA features vibrant stories from more than 130 FFA reporters representing every corner of the country, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Dive in to uncover the incredible journeys of FFA members and chapters as they explore life-changing agricultural experiences.
Selena Serving Up Success
As a part of her SAE, Selena Fuentes runs three different Mexican restaurants in southern Illinois and Indiana.
Think Outside of the Pot
While Denver McBride’s SAEs cover several proficiency areas, his diversified horticulture entrepreneurship stands out the most.
Ellis Rogers Thrives in Veterinary Science
Through her SAE, Williamsfield FFA Member Ellis Rogers is gaining real-world experience in veterinary science.
Making a Difference in a Beef State With a Poultry Operation
In Wyoming, Star Valley FFA President Bridger Wolfley teams up with local food bank to donate to those in need.
SAE Turns Exotic
Belton-Honea Path FFA Alumnus Gavin Powers' SAE includes breeding, selling and working with many different animals.
Washington Hops Shape Unique SAE
Shelton FFA Member Lane Stoney from Washington shares his fascination for growing and brewing his own hops.
Arizona FFA Member Is Living to Serve With Her SAE
In Arizona, AAEC-Estrella Mountain FFA member Angelina Smith fosters kittens through the BARK organization for her SAE.
Buzzing With Purpose
In Florida, Horizon FFA Chapter President Madison Strain launched her beekeeping business, Horizon Honey, in 2022.
Georgia FFA Member Grows Small Seeds to Giant Pumpkins!
Meet Chase Owens, a member of North Murray FFA from Georgia, who turned a tiny pumpkin seed into an enormous 533-pound pumpkin!
Kentucky Has More Than Cows, Corn and Horses
Four members showcase their SAEs that are related to floriculture, nursery and landscape and starting a podcast.