FFA in the USA features vibrant stories from more than 130 FFA reporters representing every corner of the country, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Dive in to uncover the incredible journeys of FFA members and chapters as they explore life-changing agricultural experiences.
Taxidermy Triumph: Nate Emmons’ Latest FFA Endeavor
This 16 year old explores taxidermy as his SAE, emphasizing ethical considerations and hands-on learning.
Cultivating Knowledge: Josiah Saravia’s Journey in Rare Plant Care
In North Carolina, this Millbrook FFA member's SAE includes working at the Atlantic Gardening Company and gaining horticulture experience.
A Lap Around the Sun: 365 Days of Agriculture
This agriculture advocacy-focused Instagram account is run by a hardworking and relentless Montana FFA member named Claire Murnin.
Tatum FFA Member Explains Passion for Family Buisness
Trippton Angell, a Tatum FFA member from New Mexico, provides insight on how to start a cattle operation through hard work.
Missouri FFA Member Strives To Keep the Family Tradition Alive
For his SAE, Missouri FFA member Briar Montgomery puts in time at his family-owned and operated veterinary clinic.
Making Miracles Within FFA
This FFA member is celebrating the "miracles" that come with her SAEs.
Growing a Passion for Plants
During his greenhouse management SAE, Kevin Kayton has developed and expanded his knowledge of plants and leading students.
Gearing Toward Growth: Uilleam Harper’s Mobile Repair Business
Uilleam Harper from Norfolk FFA in Massachusetts used an SAE Grant to grow his mobile repair agricultural mechanics business.
A Passion for Reins
Zoee Lawson, a Lamar FFA member in Arkansas, pursues her goals to continue working with her horses through an equine science SAE.
Chicago Ag Sciences FFA Alumna Leads the Charge in Agricultural Literacy
For many city kids, stepping onto a farm seems as distant as landing on the moon—but one passionate alumnus of Chicago's Ag Sciences school is changing that, one summer camp at a time.