Twin Valley South-MVCTC FFA members at their chapter’s lock-in.
On April 7, 2024, the Twin Valley South-MVCTC FFA Chapter hosted a space-themed modified lock-in with Ohio FFA state officer Anna Moeller. Jordan Ritchie and Lucy Zimmer, 2024-25 chapter officers, planned the event for members to enjoy.
The lock-in began with a cookout, where members enjoyed hot dogs, space-themed snacks such as Sun Chips, Moon Pies and Oreos, and refreshments. During the cookout, members played yard games such as corn hole and wiffle ball. There was also an activity where members could create aliens using plastic cutlery, googly eyes and pipe cleaners.
After the cookout, members moved into the gym, where Moeller planned activities and games for them to play. The members were split into six groups. Four groups were instructed to build a tower out of plastic cups, while the other two groups were instructed to either knock down the groups’ towers or help them build their towers. Moeller’s objective with this activity was to demonstrate how life can be unpredictable and filled with challenges.
The next activity took place in the cafeteria. The members separated into groups and were instructed to build a spaceship with the materials provided. They had 20 minutes to make a spaceship with cardboard, tape, colored paper and an inflatable alien. The group with the best spaceship won a prize.
To end the night, members participated in an Ag Olympics. Its events included straw bale hurdles and tug-o-war.
Twin Valley South-MVCTC FFA members learned a lot during their chapter lock-in.