The North Upper Snake River District Team (left to right): Brandon Little, Jarrett Jenkins, Kody Lusk, Dillan Lerwill, Ryken Anderson, Sarah Jones, Suri Wilcox and Ms. Jensen.
The North Upper Snake River District Team came together in April 2024 with one goal: to bring their district together more often without the stress of competition. To accomplish this goal, they decided to add one more activity in the middle of the year, which happened to be just around Christmas time.
“We brainstormed about how we could bring together the district and still celebrate Christmas,” says District Sentinel Dillan Lerwill. “We decided that a service project would do exactly that.”
After a few months of preparation, they planned a hygiene kit-making activity that included all the chapters. They assigned chapters to pick up items such as toilet paper, toothpaste, combs and more. This way, everyone had a way to serve their community even if they couldn’t make it to the event.

Some members from the Sugar-Salem FFA Chapter make hygiene kits.
The day came, and members from almost every chapter were in attendance. They started the activity with some potatoes donated by South Fremont FFA, then warmed up with some hot chocolate donated by Sugar-Salem FFA. They started a movie while waiting for all the supplies to arrive. After a half hour of getting to know everyone, the service party started. Everyone was lined up to make a kit or two to make a difference. There was even a contest of who could make the most hygiene kits to bring in the natural competitiveness between chapters. Sugar-Salem FFA member James Little won by a landslide.
“Our Christmas party was one of my favorite events this year. My favorite thing is sharing jokes with the many friends I have made through participating in our district,” District President Kody Lusk said.
After the party, the NUSR District Team donated these hygiene kits to the Family Crisis Center in Rexburg, Idaho. They reflected on this activity’s success and decided it should happen every year.
Looking for more service ideas for your chapter? Click here to find more FFA in the USA stories.