The Game of Life is a common household board game created in 1860. It simulates situations ranging from financial lessons to career choices, social interactions and the importance of balancing activities to be successful. The theme of the North Carolina East Central FFA Regional Leadership Conference was inspired by this game and allowed members to gain skills that will help them be successful in their lives.
On Sept. 24, 2024, more than 300 FFA members gathered at Apex Friendship High School. The gavel tapped at 4 p.m., opening the floor to an evening filled with learning and fun.
During the event, the regional officer team presented workshops on a variety of topics, including “Building a Strong Foundation,” “Searching for Payday,” “Exploring Your Life Tiles,” and “Planning for Setbacks.” There were also other workshops, such as one taught by Milosh McAdoo, a past North Carolina FFA state officer, about planning for life after high school.
“It was cool to see all the chapters and participants there excited to partake in our workshops,” says Eleanor Zohn, the East Central Region FFA vice president.
In the commons area, a section was dedicated to chapter displays and representatives from different stakeholders for members to explore and connect with. Each group had the opportunity to visit this section at least once during their rotations. This served as an opportunity for chapters to showcase their agriculture programs to others in their region.
“I enjoyed seeing all the chapter representation tables where they were ready to share all about the cool activities their chapters have completed,” says Zohn.
Overall, the North Carolina East Central FFA Regional Leadership Conference was an eventful evening for members to learn how to navigate life successfully.
- East Central officers delivering a workshop.
- Students during a Brain Break.
- Students in a workshop.
- North Carolina State University representatives speaking to students about postgraduation opportunities.
- Student talking to other members at the Chapter Display Showcase.
- Students meeting other students from different chapters during a workshop.
- Students playing cards during Brain Break.
- Students working diligently in a workshop.
- A member from Warren County viewing the Chapter Display Showcase.