Granton FFA Sentinel Jessi Berg (left), Treasurer Kadyn Marg (middle) and President Tori Seif (right) sit down to discuss plans for the Lock-In.
Each year, the Granton FFA officer team in Granton, Wisc., plans their chapter’s annual Lock-In event for eligible members to promote member bonding. This year is no different, as the team is preparing to see their planning pay off at the end of January.
Planning and Preparation
The Granton FFA Chapter’s Lock-In is an all-day event designed to create an atmosphere for members to get to know each other and compete in different activities. To be considered eligible for this event, members must have attended their chapter’s fall banquet earlier in the school year. Eligible members are invited and asked to RSVP. This year, the officer team is expecting 35 members to attend, which is more than half of the chapter’s total membership.
During the Granton FFA officer retreat last July, the officers began planning the Lock-In. This included selecting a date, activities, food and setting a schedule. The officers finalized all plans and arranged for door prizes at the Granton FFA winter officer retreat held last December. By the end of late January, it will be time for the event.
The Event
As members enter the agricultural education classroom at the beginning of Lock-In, they turn in their phones to Granton FFA advisor Katie Reider. She says this is to ensure members get the most out of the event.

During the 2024 Lock-In, Granton FFA members make tie blankets that will be donated to area charities.
After all members arrive, they enjoy lunch and a meeting to discuss the chapter’s upcoming events. Once the meeting is finished, members take part in multiple activities to promote participation in Career Development Events.
Members then make tie blankets in multiple sizes that will be donated to area charities. Afterward, members participate in team-building activities designed for them to work with those they would not normally work with. Team-building activities then lead into rounds of a “Jeopardy”-style game and charades.

Granton FFA members kick off the 2024 Lock-In by participating in a team-building activity.
The next part of the event is the Granton FFA Chapter’s version of dodgeball. Once dodgeball is complete, members participate in volleyball games. After that, a dinner is provided by the officer team and some of the Granton FFA Alumni and Supporters members. Following the meal, members have free time. During the free time, members can play board games, cards and sports.

Granton FFA members play one of many volleyball games during the 2024 Lock-In.
To end the night, members play a few more games, including Bingo, and select door prizes. The officer team acquires the door prizes from area businesses that wish to donate. Each member receives at least three door prizes that are meant to congratulate them on being a leader in the chapter and attending Lock-In.
“Lock-In is a member favorite, and we are very excited for it again this year,” said a Granton FFA officer. “Lock-In forms bonds between members and provides them a day of fun with each other. Every year, we see more members attend. I hope we can continue to see that in the future.”