Deltona is a town in Central Florida just north of Orlando. While it seems at first to be full of suburban neighborhoods, an agricultural community lingers within. Deltona High School has a variety of clubs, from our very own Future Farmers of America (now called the National FFA Organization) to the Student Government Association (SGA). FFA is known for its leadership conferences to which members travel, but what if members could attend a conference right at home?
Leaders of the Pack is a conference facilitated by the Deltona Sr. FFA and the SGA that invited all the clubs and club leaders to come out for a full day to learn leadership skills. On Oct. 2, students from around Deltona High School learned about communication, authenticity and school history.
The Day Ahead
The day started with group games, during which the students got to know each other. Then, they were split into their respective groups and received instruction from student facilitators. After rotations, a skit competition was held. The students were split into their club groups and made a skit representing a leadership-based skill. FFA officers Zoe Warrensford, Brandon Arguello and Perry Varner were the judges who decided on the winner of the skit competition.
Overall, it was a successful conference that left students with skills they could use and bring back to their respective clubs.

Three FFA officers, Zoe Warrensford, Brandon Arguello, and Perry Varner (left to right), served as judges for skit night.
When asked about their favorite part of Leaders of the Pack, two FFA officers commented enthusiastically.
Donna Miller, the chapter secretary, said, “Participation and our workshop were very fun! I liked the very end when everybody got to come together and make their skit—that was a lot of fun, and I think people really enjoyed it.”
“There wasn’t a single dull moment throughout that entire thing! The entire thing was my favorite thing,” Brandon Arguello, the chapter sentinel, said, “It was so much fun being able to judge, leading the workshop, having lunch, talking with everyone, and being able to teach everyone about their authenticity.”
What Is the Purpose of the Conference?
As FFA members, we’re used to traveling hours to our conferences to meet fellow FFA members and develop our leadership skills. However, Leaders of the Pack demonstrates the impact of staying at home and helping school peers develop their skills to not only build their community but also cultivate a lasting bond.

Students prepare and practice their skits.