Righetti FFA leadership and members pose for a group picture after their successful annual Kinderpatch event.
For over three decades, the Righetti FFA chapter in California has shown a heartwarming example of how agricultural education and community service can come together through a Kinderpatch program. What started as a simple idea has become a cherished annual tradition connecting children with the world of agriculture. The Kinderpatch has grown to serve the chapter’s mission and its community. Over the years, it has become an important event in the community that touches the lives of thousands of kindergarteners, thanks to the hard work of Righetti FFA members, the support of local businesses and the dedication of countless volunteers.
The idea started as a conversation during a Back-to-School Night nearly 30 years ago. A parent, who also worked as an Alice Shaw Elementary School secretary, collaborated with an FFA advisor to create an agriculture- and service-oriented activity. It started as small visits to kindergarten classes with pumpkins and treats. Kinderpatch now reaches over 700 students from elementary schools and daycares across Santa Maria, Lompoc and surrounding areas.
Kinderpatch Today
Local kindergarteners are invited to a free day of learning and fun centered around agriculture each fall. Activities include petting zoos, hands-on learning planting stations, and exciting games that teach about how agriculture plays an important role in our everyday lives.
“This event has such a positive impact,” says Lily Flores, a member of the Righetti FFA Chapter. “Not only do we teach kids about agriculture, but we also bring the community together meaningfully.”
Through these hands-on activities, the Kinderpatch introduces children to the fundamentals of agriculture. For example, the petting zoo educates kids about animal welfare and care, while transplanting stations teach the basics of plant growth. These activities connect to real-world agricultural practices, teaching kids about the importance of agriculture in a fun and approachable way.
The Kinderpatch program is community-driven and sustained through donations, fundraising and the support of Righetti FFA Ag Boosters. Events such as barbecues, bingo nights and sales of flower arrangement made by students keep the Kinderpatch alive.
A Growing Vision
The chapter envisions even greater Kinderpatch outreach in the future. It plans to expand participation to more local schools and daycares, introduce additional educational components, and offer more hands-on experiences in hopes of leaving a lasting impression on young minds.
The Legacy
“FFA chapters who are interested in launching a community-beneficial initiative similar to Kinderpatch must first remember that just because you started small doesn’t mean it can’t develop into something much bigger, as Kinderpatch did,” says Haley Buchanan, a Righetti FFA member. “The most important element when beginning a community initiative is to prioritize the community.”
For Righetti FFA members, Kinderpatch is more than an event. It’s a chance to inspire the next generation, give back to their community and build meaningful connections. As local businesses and volunteers come together to support this initiative, Kinderpatch has become an inspiring example of how agriculture can unite and uplift a community.