Hooked on Agriculture

By |2024-09-12T12:57:02-04:00September 11th, 2024|Categories: FFA in the USA|Tags: , , |
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Upshur County FFA Member Cale Collier from West Virginia has developed a unique Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE).

Collier joined Upshur County FFA when he realized farming was his passion as a result of working on his family’s farm. “FFA influenced my SAE because I love fishing and working with animals,” Collier says.

For the past five years during his summer break, Collier worked on his dad’s fishing charter boat located in Hawaii. But for the past three years, Collier made it his paid placement SAE.

Each day on the charter boat, Collier spent roughly four to 10 hours deep-sea fishing for all of the pelagic species of fish. This species lives on the top of the water, meaning they are always moving and Collier is always on the hunt.

Some days for Collier can be very exciting, but others can be long and slow. This always depends on whether the fish are biting or not. His main duties on the fishing charter boat are to set out lines, assist customers and safely handle the fish. When he catches a fish, he uses a large hook, called a gaff, to get it off the fishing line and onto the boat. Once the fish is on the boat, to ensure everyone’s safety, he quickly dispatches it.

“All of this has taught me to be quick on my feet and pay attention to my surroundings,” Collier says.

His time on the water has not only made him a better fisherman but also given him a strong sense of responsibility. Each day brings new challenges for Collier, and through his work, he has learned to be patient and prepared for whatever the ocean might bring.

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