FFA members test equipment before the competition.
When it comes to competing, Area 13 FFA members in Missouri don’t limit themselves to just Career Development Events (CDES) and Leadership Development Events (LDEs).
Although members possess these skills, one event allows them to showcase another talent. The Area Cattle Working competition gives teams the opportunity to display their teamwork, agility, accuracy and efficiency.
Missouri FFA is split into 16 areas, with numerous local FFA chapters forming those areas. Area 13 includes 27 FFA chapters, each of which are represented at different events. This year, four different chapters met to display their workmanship in the Area Cattle Working competition.

A close up as the team creates a game plan before competing.
During the event, each team consists of three Missouri FFA members who are assigned different duties. Some FFA chapters brought multiple teams to this event, allowing more members to participate in this valuable experience.
Stoney Creek Ranch in Missouri hosted the event, and the cows each team worked belong to the ranch. Each team received three cows and had to complete a specific list of tasks, including running them through the chute, administering shots, applying dewormer and tagging.
To achieve the best score possible, team members decide who will perform each task. Judges evaluated not only the speed of completion, but also the safety of the procedures.

One team member applies an oral dewormer with a drench gun.
This event became special because it offers valuable opportunities. Missouri ranks third in the nation for beef cattle production, so many FFA members have cattle working experience.
However, not everyone shares the same background in south central Missouri. With the support of advisors and local veterinarians, members with no prior experience gained the chance to dive in and compete at the same level as their peers. They acquired new skills, potentially igniting a passion for working with cattle in younger members.
This year, Dora FFA proudly took home the first-place prize. Each team member received a cash reward, and the team earned a custom trophy provided by an Area 13 advisor.
Without a doubt, Area Cattle Working has become an eagerly anticipated event and tradition for local chapters each year.

Dora FFA members pose with the trophy after their victory.