FFA members Brooke Layton, Abby Ward, Hattie Norman, Clayton Boyd, Beau Wall and Allie Sleep prepare decorations for the angel tree.
The Fort Sumner FFA Chapter’s angel tree project is a premier example of how FFA members live to serve.
According to current sophomore FFA member Hattie Norman, the project is designed to help the children who may not get many presents at home. “We have a tree, and people from around town can come pick a card with a present option on it,” she says. “Then, they can go buy that item and bring it back to put under the tree.”
Brooke Layton, who’s a senior this year, says this program connects the chapter to the community. “This is our first year doing this, and I’m excited to help kids in need,” she adds.
With this being a new project for her chapter, Layton says it has brought both joys and challenges.
“The easiest part of this program is wrapping the gifts and putting their names on them,” she says. “The hardest part is making sure every kid gets what they wished for.”

Brooke Layton, Abby Ward, Hattie Norman, Clayton Boyd, Beau Wall, and Allie Sleep prepare decorations for the angel tree.
Senior member Allie Sleep is excited about many different aspects of the program. “I’m most excited to help kids in need,” she says. “The best part is putting a smile on their faces.”