The Impact of a Leadership Training School

By |2025-02-21T10:20:27-05:00February 21st, 2025|Categories: FFA in the USA|Tags: , |
Section 8 members participate in a workshop.

Section 8 members participate in a workshop.

Did you know that more than 80% of leadership skills are developed through hands-on experience and not just classroom learning?

Leadership Training School (LTS) is a section-wide Illinois FFA event for Greenhand FFA members. It consists of numerous workshop rotations that equip new FFA members and freshmen with leadership skills needed to ensure a positive impact on the community and their FFA chapter. Illinois Section 8 FFA had approximately 200 members in attendance at the conference.

Chicago Ag Sciences FFA Chapter Officer Tyler Moore.

Chicago Ag Sciences FFA Chapter Officer Tyler Moore.

Developing Leadership Skills

One of the many benefits of LTS is its role in developing strong leaders among their peers. Many of these FFA members aspire to become officers. This event is a great opportunity for them to cultivate skills through experience, guidance and practice.

During this event, members rotated through targeted workshops about communication, decision-making, problem-solving and more. Through these engaging workshops, participants gained hands-on experience with group work and team organization.

Strengthening Section Unity

Illinois Section 8 FFA contains many chapters, each with its own identity and strengths. However, building a sense of unity and collaboration among the chapters and members that attend LTS is essential for ensuring the section’s impact. Through the team-building exercise, students learned how to collaborate effectively with diverse individuals.

A team-building workshop.

A team-building workshop.

Hosted by the section officer team, LTS is inbound of a lasting impact. With a focus on leadership development, teamwork and community involvement, LTS empowers members to reach their full potential.

As Illinois Section 8 FFA continues to grow and evolve, investing in leadership training will be a crucial step in ensuring its long-term success and influence.

The 2024-25 Illinois FFA Section 8 officer team.

The 2024-25 Illinois FFA Section 8 officer team.

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