In the summer of 2023, cousins Starlyn Schnitker of S&S Consolidated FFA and Camryn Craddock of Howe FFA had it on their hearts to make an impact and serve a need in their Texas community.
Both young ladies are avid livestock showmen and work on Schnitker Family Farm. Their strong agriculture background and love for showing pigs encouraged them combine their passions and help those in need. Thus, Drivin’ for a Cause was born.
Schnitker and Craddock have raised $15,000 to benefit two local nonprofits with a focus on food insecurity. During their first year in 2023, $6,000 was donated to Meals on Wheels of Texoma, and $9,000 was raised in November 2024 to fill the fridge, freezer and pantry at the Grayson Crisis Center.
Both Schnitker and Craddock worked to raise the capital needed to underwrite the expense of hosting a jackpot pig show. Community supporters also stepped up, and funds were secured to cover the overhead of the shows. This is largely, in part, due to the support of local television station KTEN and its morning anchor, Bailey Vaughn, who took great interest in their efforts. This, combined with face to face visits with local businesses as well as a social media presence, helped cover the cost of the show’s facility, judges and awards.
Plans are already underway for the 2025 show. Schnitker will step up as the main point of contact when Craddock attends Texas A&M University in the fall. It is the duo’s hope that this show will continue for years to come and keep a focus on food insecurity, their local community and the impact young agriculturists can make when they focus on making a difference.