Members of DeWitt Central FFA construct Christmas cookie kits during their November meeting.
The holiday season is a time to celebrate with family and friends by giving gifts and eating great food. Sadly, some people don’t have the means necessary to participate in these festivities. Recognizing this need in their community, members of the DeWitt Central FFA chapter found a creative solution to help those in need.
A Sweet New Idea
During the chapter officer retreat over the summer, chapter officers were looking for an opportunity to help people in their community. Members of the team recognized that the holiday season is one of the hardest times for people in need, and they began brainstorming events that would help those who were struggling during the holidays. While many ideas were thrown around, the team decided that Christmas cookie kits would be the best fit.
Once the cookie kits had been decided on, the team had to figure out where to donate them. The DeWitt Referral Center, a local nonprofit that provides assistance to those in need, helps hundreds of people in and around the DeWitt, Iowa, area. The chapter has worked with them in the past, and they were more than happy to accept the kits. These kits have all the ingredients and instructions needed to make Christmas cookies. The kits also contain information about where and how the ingredients are produced and provide those who use the kits with information about FFA and what the organization does.
The Icing on the Cake
During the chapter’s November meeting, members met in the high school agriculture room to put the kits together. Members not only had a great time constructing the kits, but they also had fun getting to know each other.
Chapter Sentinel Ty Henningsen said, “My favorite part was definitely making the kits and seeing everyone have smiles on their faces. These kits are important to the community as they will provide people in need with a fun thing to do as the holiday season is coming up.”
Following the meeting, the chapter delivered the kits to the Referral Center, where residents can stop throughout the holiday season and pick up a kit. The chapter hopes that those in need will pick up one of these kits, as Henningsen said, “These kits will have an impact on people through the smiles and memories that will last forever.”