The Brotherhood of the Traveling Toilet

By |2025-02-18T13:46:42-05:00February 18th, 2025|Categories: FFA in the USA|Tags: , |

Upshur County FFA in West Virginia has a toilet fundraiser during National FFA Week in February.

The upcycled toilet is decked out in national blue and corn gold and includes a tank planter with an assortment of flowers, wheels for easy transportation and, most importantly, a way to include the entire school in National FFA Week. This is the eighth year Upshur County will be trading comfortable, plush staff chairs for the “FFA Throne.”

Throughout the week, FFA members take turns rolling the FFA toilet to an unsuspecting staff member’s classroom or office and then replacing their chair with the toilet. For their desk chair to be returned, staff donate to the FFA Jenna Davis Scholarship Fund. After doing so, they receive an FFA supporter pin, typically displayed proudly on their ID badge, and choose the next recipient of the throne. If a staff member does not offer a donation, they are stuck with the “FFA Throne” through the end of the school day. The goal is to keep the toilet moving and reach every staff member by the end of the week.

The toilet’s original purpose was to raise money for the FFA chapter. However, roughly two years after the creation of the toilet, Jenna Davis, an FFA member at the time, passed away in October 2019. In remembrance of Davis, one of the chapter’s advisors at the time, Joe Hymes, worked with the local alumni chapter to divert the funds raised to a scholarship. Since then, any money made from the toilet goes toward a scholarship awarded at Upshur County’s annual FFA banquet in March.

Students love to see teachers’ expressions when the toilet wheels into their classroom. On the flip side, teachers look forward to their chance to sit on the throne and have their picture shared on the chapter’s social media platforms. Davis’ aunt, Jamie, has been a teacher at Buckhannon-Upshur High School since 2017. She remembers when Hymes walked into her room and shared the idea of using the FFA toilet as a fundraiser for the memorial scholarship.

“I’m up for almost anything, and the fundraiser shows a different side of FFA where they let loose a little bit,” Jamie says. “I think it’s unique and fun to participate in.” She also believes “Jo” (Jenna) would have giggled in private at the idea of using a toilet to fundraise and show appreciation to those who supported and loved her.

Not only does this support FFA members’ future endeavors, but it also brings teachers and students outside of the organization together. It’s an unconventional way to raise money, but this quirky tactic is now an established tradition for funding the Upshur County FFA Jenna Davis Scholarship.

During this year’s National FFA Week, the toilet will be rolled out of safekeeping, and it will make its rounds to honor a former student and unite a chapter and school.

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