Toy Tractor Show Brings Community Together

By |2025-03-25T17:29:58-04:00March 25th, 2025|Categories: FFA in the USA|Tags: , |
Southwestern FFA members at the toy show.

Southwestern FFA members at the toy show.

This year, the Southwestern FFA Chapter in Shelbyville, Ind., celebrated the 19th year of hosting its annual “Farm Toy Show.” The show consisted of farm toy vendors and other agriculture vendors, such as G and G Agvantage, an agriculture spray drone company. The chapter also served breakfast to attendees and vendors, and each member worked hard to make the event a success.

Members spread the word about this event on social media platforms, and a few got on the local radio. Members also have a lot of connections with people who could help. For example, chapter had people from states like Ohio and Michigan travel to attend the show because of all the hard work it put into its advertisements. 

Southwestern FFA members Madelyn Mohr (right) and Ellie Gosser (left).

Southwestern FFA members Madelyn Mohr (right) and Ellie Gosser (left).

“It’s really nice having members who know what’s going on and what to do,” says Lisa Robertson, who’s in her first year as a Southwestern FFA advisor. “I’m able to step back and watch and learn what they’re doing and know what I need to do by following them.”

Robertson says it excites her to watch the show continue to grow, both this year and in the coming years. “When I attended one of the first shows this chapter had, it was just in the gym and there was only a handful of vendors,” she adds. “It was neat to see how much it has grown in the 19 years. We’re looking forward to and hoping to move into a bigger venue and have more vendors.” 

Although the toy show only lasts one day, it takes multiple days to prepare. Vendors reached out for tables in advance, and members help set up tables, chairs and vendor booths on the day before the show. The work is worth it not only for the chapter, but also for the community and vendors. 

“I look forward to talking to the returning vendors and new vendors about our FFA chapter,” says Southwestern FFA President Kyle Beck. 

Those who attend the show aren’t just people who are interested in the world of toy tractors; the community also comes out in support of the chapter. “I enjoy seeing all the community members stopping in to support us and be involved in our chapter,” says David Coulston, a Southwestern FFA member. 

Whether it’s new people or regular attendees, members and officers like Southwestern FFA Vice President Caleb McDaniel enjoy seeing and serving their community. “People you never would expect to attend do,” he says.

The show is a resemblance of community and tradition. Larry Tharpe, a vendor at the show, has only missed one show. Throughout the years, he’s watched the chapter’s show grow not only in the amount of vendors, but also in the amount of attendees. 

The Southwestern FFA Chapter would like to thank the Marietta Volunteer Fire Department for allowing it to use its tables and everyone who helped to make this year’s toy show a success.

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